The Congress will host a number of special sessions. If you would like to organize a special session, please submit the title, names of organizers and their affiliations, and a brief description to the Congress chairs ( or for approval as soon as possible.
The approved special sessions are listed below:
Special session ID | Organizers | Special session title |
SS01 |
Giuseppe Failla Andrea Russillo University of Reggio Calabria, Italy |
Emerging trends in mechanical metamaterials |
SS02 |
Raffaele Barretta University of Naples Federico II, Italy Noël Challamel Université Bretagne Sud, France Nicholas Fantuzzi, University of Bologna, Italy Marzia Sara Vaccaro University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Mechanics of non-conventional materials and structures |
SS03 |
Borja Erice Mondragon Unibertsitatea & IKERBASQUE, Spain Louise Le Barbenchon Arts et Métiers, I2M, France Nina Čeh University of Rijeka, Croatia Maria Lißner University of Oxford, United Kingdom |
State-of-the-art on the dynamic behaviour of materials and its applications |
When submitting your contribution, please indicate the Special session ID in the Submission form under “Remark/Message from the Authors to the Program Committee and Chairs”.