Special Sessions

Call for the Organization of Special Sessions

The Congress will host a number of special sessions. If you would like to organize a special session, please submit the title, names of organizers and their affiliations, and a brief description to the Congress chairs (marko.canadija@riteh.uniri.hr or leo.skec@uniri.hr) for approval as soon as possible.

The approved special sessions are listed below:

Special session ID Organizers Special session title
SS01 Giuseppe Failla
Andrea Russillo
University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
Emerging trends in mechanical metamaterials
SS02 Raffaele Barretta
University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Noël Challamel
Université Bretagne Sud, France

Nicholas Fantuzzi,
University of Bologna, Italy

Marzia Sara Vaccaro
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Mechanics of non-conventional materials and structures
SS03 Borja Erice
Mondragon Unibertsitatea & IKERBASQUE, Spain

Louise Le Barbenchon
Arts et Métiers, I2M, France

Nina Čeh
University of Rijeka, Croatia

Maria Lißner
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
State-of-the-art on the dynamic behaviour of materials and its applications

Submitting Contributions to Special Sessions

When submitting your contribution, please indicate the Special session ID in the Submission form under “Remark/Message from the Authors to the Program Committee and Chairs”.